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Special Meeting Minutes for May 23, 2024

Renaissance Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Law Office of Knott, Ebelini, & Hart, 1625 Hendry Street, Suite 301 in Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Doug Dickey – Chair
Linda Stuart – Assistant Secretary
George Pattee – Assistant Secretary
Chris Bezaire – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Asher Knipe – Attorney, Knott-Ebelini-Hart
Janice Maline – Court Reporter
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager (PDM)

Attending remotely was:

Mark McCleary – Engineer, Community Engineering Services, Inc.

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Renaissance Community Development District regular meeting was called to order, and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. All Board members were present. Also attending were Asher Knipe, Attorney, and Janice Maline, Court Reporter. Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager, joined the meeting after the Closed Session. Mark McCleary, the Engineer, participated remotely after the Closed Session.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Remove 7Di Draft Regular Meeting Minutes from April 8, 2024
Remove 7Dii Draft Special Meeting Minutes from April 19, 2024

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Counsel Discussion of Concert Renaissance Lawsuit

The Board entered the Closed Session. The meeting video was turned off.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Closed Session for Discussion with District Attorneys on Pending Litigation: Concert Renaissance LLC vs. Renaissance Community Development District Civil Action No 23-CA-011452

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Closed Session was opened at 9:04 a.m.

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Closed Session was closed at 10:30 a.m.

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Motions for Action from Closed Session

Attorney Knipe and the Court Reporter left the meeting.
Assistant District Manager Melissa Gindling joined the meeting.

The meeting resumed at approximately 10:35 a.m. The meeting video was turned on.

The Board decided to decline the proposal from the mediator and end mediation.

On MOTION by Supervisor Pattee, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved declining the proposal from the mediator and ending mediation.

The Board also asked Attorney Hart to proceed with filing the water use permit.

They appointed Supervisor Pattee as liaison for any court actions requiring a Board representative.

On MOTION by Supervisor Bezaire, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board appointed Supervisor George Pattee as liaison for any court actions requiring a Board representative.


A. Items to Be Pulled for Discussion

No items were pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Pattee, with all in favor, the Board approved all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.

C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

D. Consent Items

i. Financial Reports for March 2024
ii. Financial Reports for April 2024
iii. Project Tracking Log


A. Golf Course Easement Request/Water Use Permit

As discussed previously, the Board asked Attorney Hart to proceed with filing the water use permit.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board authorized the Attorney to file the water use permit.

B. Lake 6 Shoreline Stabilization Update

District Manager Teague reported that the LDO had been issued, and it gave the District multiple options for restoration. The contractor started the work on Lake 6 on May 20, 2024.

District Manager Teague stated that there was an issue with a large washout, and the contractor submitted a change order for this additional work. However, staff felt this price was too high, and negotiated with the contractor to bill this work at cost.

In addition, the contractor had previously only submitted an estimate for the residential side of the lake, so they presented a proposal to address the golf course side of Lake 6. After discussion, the Board decided not to approve this proposal, since that side of the lake was not indicated as a high priority on the lake erosion map or the restoration plan.            


A. Draft Fountain Installation Policy

Supervisor Stuart’s draft of this policy was in the packet. The Board discussed several items on the policy and directed Assistant District Manager Gindling to revise the policy. Once revised, the second draft will be submitted for the Board’s review.


A. Field Manager’s Report

The Board reviewed the report and the following was discussed:

District Manager Teague reported that the fountain in the cove area of Lake 10 stopped functioning on May 18th. A service call has been submitted, and the contractor will investigate.

The Board commented on the trespassers that were mentioned in the Field Report.                                                                        

B. Follow-Up Items

i. No Trespassing Signs in Offsite Preserve

District Manager Teague reported that the signs have been installed.

ii. Littoral Planting Project

District Manager Teague stated that the project is pending until there is more frequent rain in the forecast.


A. House Bill 7013 – Goals, Objectives, and Measures Annual Reporting

This new legislation requires all special districts to adopt goals and objectives, along with performance measures and standards. This must be completed by October 1, 2024. An annual report must then be prepared, indicating whether the goals were achieved or failed. Staff is currently drafting a template for the Board’s review.


Engineer McCleary had nothing to report.


A. FEMA Reimbursement Update

District Manager Teague reported that staff is preparing the appeal, which has been submitted to the State and will be submitted to FEMA.

B. Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

i. Resolution 2024-04: Approving Proposed Budget and Setting Public Hearing

District Manager Teague reviewed the Proposed Budget, and the Board discussed several items, including the fund balance and assessments. This Proposed Budget does not include any increase in assessments. The Board approved the Proposed Budget and set the Public Hearing for August 12, 2024.

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-04, approving the Proposed Budget and setting the Public Hearing for August 12, 2024.

The Board also discussed the lack of quorum for the meeting on August 12th. They decided to appoint Russ Stuart, who is Supervisor Stuart’s husband, to Seat #5. Supervisor Stuart will confirm that he is available for the August meeting, and if so, District Manager Teague will administer the Oath of Office.                          

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Pattee, with all in favor, the Board appointed Russ Stuart to Seat #5 of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District.

FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

There were no Supervisor requests or comments.


There were no Audience comments.


On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:37 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting and Public Budget Hearing is scheduled for August 12, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair