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Date Distributed: June 1, 2020

Community Development District

June 8, 2020
Board of Supervisors Meeting

Renaissance CDD BoS Meeting
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Community Development District
Meeting Agenda

June 8, 2020 at 9:00 AM

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Audience Comments on Agenda Items
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
    1. Draft Meeting Minutes for April 13, 2020
  5. Old Business
    1. Lake Bank Erosion Mitigation Plans Lake 18, 6, 7, O-2, O-3 Update
      1. Lake 7 Erosion Plans Update
    2. Aerator & Fountain Maintenance Update
    3. Cabbage Palms Removal Update
    4. Shady Lady Tree Trimming Update
  6. New Business
    1. SFWMD Preserve Non-compliance Letter
  7. District Manager
    1. Financial Statements for March & April 2020
    2. Resolution 2020-04: Approval of Tentative FY 2021 Budget & Setting Public Hearing
    3. Website Update
  8. Field Manager
    1. Bimonthly Field Report: May 2020
    2. Odd-month Field Inspections Discussion
  9. Attorney
    1. General Counsel Engagement Agreement
  10. Engineer
    1. SFWMD Monitoring Report
  11. Supervisor Requests/Comments
  12. Audience Comments
  13. Adjournment – Next Meeting: August 10, 2020 at 9:00 AM

4. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Renaissance Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held via teleconference on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 9 a.m.

Attending via telephone authorized by Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:

John Gnagey – Chair
John Bartz – Vice Chair
Doug Dickey – Assistant Secretary
Glen Hammer – Assistant Secretary
Richard Platt – Assistant Secretary

Also attending via phone were:

Cal Teague – District Manager
Attorney – Tom Hart
Chris Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Audience Members

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All were present for today’s meeting by phone. Also present was the District Attorney Tom Hart and Assistant to the District Manager Chris Dudak. Individuals were asked to identify themselves as they entered the conversation.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda was approved with the additions of 4A, Resolution 2020-03 and 8E, which was Resolution 2020-02.

On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved with the additions of item 4A, Resolution 2020-03 and 8E, which was Resolution 2020-02.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


A. Resolution 2020-03 Emergency Procedural Changes

A resolution was presented and adopted that summarized the timeline of the events and actions by the Governor that authorized the Board to conduct meetings remotely due to the COVID-19 emergency.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Bartz, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, to adopt Resolution 2020-03.


A. Regular Minutes from February 10, 2020

B. Continuation Minutes from March 16, 2020

On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, to accept the regular Minutes from February 10, 2020 and continuation Minutes from March 16, 2020.


A. Lake Bank Erosion Mitigation Plans for Lakes 18, 6, 7, O-2, O-3

i. Lakes & Wetlands Dredge Sox Revised Proposal for Lake 18

Lakes & Wetlands submitted a revised proposal that included 21 four-inch or six-inch drainpipes. The Board awarded the proposal to them with the following conditions:
– There will be a pre-project meeting to discuss the options, possibly a virtual meeting.
– The project will be coordinated with the Triana COA and their Engineer.
– Littoral plants should be included along the face of the dredge sox.
– Item #4 on page 3 of the proposal is stricken from the proposal.
– The Engineer will review the discharge pipe sizes to recommend 4″ or 6″ pipes.

On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, to accept the Lake & Wetlands proposal with the conditions discussed by the Board for Lake 18.

The Board also discussed a request from Nick Cristaldi from the golf course to allow them to use dredged material for Lakes O2 and O3. There are some 100 truckloads of soil with some organics that need to be discarded by the golf course. The golf course said they would grade the fill to shore up the lake banks. The Board approved this request pending coordination with the Engineer, the Field Manager and Gonzalo from Lakes & Wetlands to ensure the material will be stabilized. They will also coordinate with Nick Cristaldi, the golf course superintendent.

On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Platt, with all in favor, to approve the use of discarded golf course soil to be used to shore up the lake banks.

B. Aerator & Fountain Maintenance

ii. Updated Proposal and Summary

Lake and Wetlands revised their proposal to maintain the fountains and aerator units. It includes an additional $5,640 for fountain and aerator maintenance for the year, bringing their annual maintenance cost to $38,640. Solitude’s annual cost is $44,348. The Board voted to terminate the contract with Solitude and authorized a new contract with Lakes and Wetlands effective June 1st or earlier. Solitude will receive final payment upon completion of their contractual obligations.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, to terminate the contract with Solitude May 31st.

On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, to enter into contract with Lake and Wetlands to begin work on June 1st for an annual cost of $38,640 for fountains and aerators maintenance.

C. Cabbage Palms Removal Update

The Field Manager will begin work on the cabbage palm removal April 27 or sooner.

D. Shady Lady Tree Trimming Discussion

The Field Manager verified that only two of the Shady Lady trees belong to the CDD and the other 13 are the responsibility of the COA. The cost is $230 for both trees, and will be coordinated with Triana COA.

E. Palomino and Penzance Fence Repairs Update

This project has been completed.


A. Lake 7 Erosion Severity Increase Discussion

The Field Manager sent pictures to show the erosion on Lake 7 that may be moving onto homeowner’s properties. The entire bank should be repaired at the same time. Letters will be sent to homeowners to suggest they work with the CDD. The Board agreed and wanted a project developed for future consideration incorporating the drain boxes to avoid future washouts. They agreed that there should be a plan for the total project scope using dredge sox and drains to collect runoff where the washouts are. A diagram suggesting what the homeowners need to do will be sent to them for review to see if they are interested in participating. The Board agreed to wait for homeowner consent to make connections to a controlled discharge system from their home. A draft letter and plan with budget will be presented at the next meeting.

B. Juniper Proposal to Eradicate the Cabbage Palms Within the Palomino Berm

Juniper sent a proposal to treat the regrowth of cabbage palms on Palomino for $1,925.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Supervisor Platt, with all in favor, to contract with Juniper to treat the cabbage palms on Palomino Berm to prevent regrowth for $1,925.


A. Financial Statements for February and March 2020

The March statement is still being prepared. The February statement was accepted as prepared.

On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, to accept the financial statement for February 2020.

B. FY2021 Draft Budget

The Board reviewed the FY2021 draft budget and discussed the lack of funds for the new budget. They agreed not to increase assessments at this time and to revisit it next year. They also acknowledged the need to draw $130,000 from the fund reserve.

C. ADA Website Update

i. Senate Bill 1466 Agenda Packet Changes

The District Manager explained that packets will be sent under the old format and are not required on the website anymore, according to this Senate bill which is expected to be signed by the Governor soon.

ii. Website Management Agreement

The District Manager explained what belongs to the CDD and what belongs to PDM. The Board approved the agreement and the Chair is authorized to sign it.

On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Platt, with all in favor, to accept the Website Management Agreement.

D. Management Agreement Amendment Resolution: Estoppel & Grant Administration

The Board approved the agreement authorizing PDM to charge $150 estoppel fees to the requester, and to charge $45 per hour for grants administration with prior Board approval.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Bartz, seconded by Supervisor Platt, with all in favor, to accept the Management Agreement Amendment Resolution for Estoppel and Grant Administration.

E. Resolution 2020-02 County Election Certificate

The resolution was adopted to request that the County Supervisor of Elections conduct the 2020 supervisor elections on the November ballot.

On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, Resolution 2020-02 was adopted to request the County Supervisor of Elections conduct the 2020 elections on the November ballot.


A. Bimonthly March Field Report

The Board requested the Field Manager increase the frequency of updates from bimonthly to monthly on critical issues, utilizing a single page report on the alternate months from his normal bimonthly field report. The following was discussed.

  • He needs to follow up on the broken cinder blocks on Page 4.
  • The vegetation cleanup done about a year ago in the area by O4 north of the condos has to be done again.
  • All tasks identified on page 15 (items h.c. & j.) are approved to be done.
  • The Board expressed that the Field Manager is doing a good job.


A. Berm Maintenance Easements Update

This was completed and recorded in the public records. The Club needs to be added as an additional insured for property and liability issues by the district carrier.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


There being no further Orders of Business and,

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Next Meeting: June 8, 2020 at 9 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair

5. Old Business

    1. Lake Bank Erosion Mitigation Plans Lake 18, 6, 7, O-2, O-3 Update
      1. Lake 7 Erosion Plans Update
    2. Aerator & Fountain Maintenance Update
    3. Cabbage Palms Removal Update
    4. Shady Lady Tree Trimming Update

6. New Business

    1. SFWMD Preserve Non-compliance Letter

7. District Manager

    1. Financial Statements for March & April 2020
    2. Resolution 2020-04: Approval of Tentative FY 2021 Budget & Setting Public Hearing
    3. Website Update

8. Field Manager

    1. Bimonthly Field Report: May 2020
    2. Odd-month Field Inspections Discussion

9. Attorney

    1. General Counsel Engagement Agreement

10. Engineer

    1. SFWMD Monitoring Report

11. Supervisor Requests/Comments

12. Audience Comments

13. Adjournment – Next Meeting: August 10, 2020 at 9:00 AM