Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2024
Renaissance Community Development District
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Integrity Building, 3820 Colonial Blvd., Unit 200, Fort Myers, FL 33966 and via web conference.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Doug Dickey – Chair
Linda Stuart – Vice Chair
James Bond – Assistant Secretary
George Pattee – Assistant Secretary
Chris Bezaire – Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Tom Hart – Attorney, Knott-Ebelini-Hart
Asher Knipe – Attorney, Knott-Ebelini-Hart
Karen Crawford- Court Reporter
Attending remotely were:
Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager (PDM)
Chris Pepin – Field Manager, Community Field Services
Mark McCleary – Engineer, Community Engineering Services
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order, and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. All Board members were present. Also attending were Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager, Tom Hart, the Attorney, Asher Knipe, Attorney, and Court Reporter Karen Crawford. Attending remotely were Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager, Chris Pepin, the Field Manager, and Mark McCleary, the Engineer.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Vice Chair Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as presented.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Oaths of Office for Newly Appointed Supervisor James Bond
Supervisor Bond completed his oaths before the meeting, and copies were included in the packet. The Board ratified Resolution 2025-01.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Pattee, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2025-01, retaining Supervisor Dickey as Chair, Supervisor Stuart as Vice Chair, and the remaining Supervisors as Assistant Secretaries, and retaining all other officers.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Counsel Discussion of Concert Renaissance Lawsuit
Attorney Hart recommended that the Board enter a closed session.
The meeting video was turned off, and Assistant District Manager Gindling left the meeting room.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Vice Chair Stuart, with all in favor, the Board entered the Closed Session at 9:03 a.m.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUUSINESS Closed Session for Discussion with District Attorneys on Pending Litigation: Concert Renaissance LLC vs. Renaissance Community Development District Civil Action No 23-CA-011452
SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Motions for Action from Closed Session
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Vice Chair Stuart, with all in favor, the Board closed the Closed Session at 10:27 a.m.
Attorney Knipe and the Court Reporter left the meeting. The meeting video was turned back on, and Assistant District Manager Gindling rejoined the meeting.
A. Items to Be Pulled for Discussion
No items were pulled.
B. Motion to Approve Consent Items
On MOTION by Vice Chair Stuart seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.
C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion
D. Consent Items
i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes from October, 14, 2024
ii. Draft Special Meeting Minutes from November 11, 2024
iii. Financial Reports for September 2024
iv. Financial Reports for October 2024
v. Project Tracking Log
A. Golf Course Easement Request/Water Use Permit
Attorney Hart stated this topic was discussed during the shade meeting, since it is related to the lawsuit.
B. Lake 6 Shoreline Stabilization Project Update
i. Resident Removal of Fence from CDD Easement
District Manager Teague reported that the homeowner located a contractor, and paid the deposit. He expects the work to be scheduled within a few weeks, because the new contractor needs to secure a permit. The homeowner continues to be very cooperative.
ii. Catch Basin Proposal and Letters to Residents
Pristine Lakes provided a proposal to install catch basins and drainage pipes around Lake 6 to address the washouts. The proposal breaks down the cost for the CDD, which is $3,500, and each homeowner, which is $700-$1400. Letters were sent to these 3 homeowners with an explanation of the project, the cost of installing the pipes, and a request to “opt-in” or “opt-out” of participation. District Manager Teague stated that one “opt-in” response has been received. Staff will send the information to Vice Chair Stuart, so that she can follow up with the other 2 residents. The Board approved this proposal.
Supervisor Bond wondered if a drainpipe and catch basin could be installed near his home if he paid the cost for the pipe, and staff will acquire a proposal for this.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved the proposal to install catch basins and drainage pipes around Lake 6.
iii. Status of Seabreeze Contract
District Manager Teague reported that the fence in the easement has not been moved, and this is delaying the project. Once it is moved, Engineer McCleary can review the location and provide suggestions for addressing the cavity in this area. Seabreeze can continue the work when this has been completed.
C. Fountain Installation on Lake 17 Follow-up
District Manager Teague reported that an electrical line has been run between the transformer and the new pedestal at the shoreline. The electric account is set up and is currently being created, and the meter will be installed, along with the final hookups. The fountain should be up and running right before Christmas. The Board clarified that the residents had paid for the majority of the installation of the fountain, and the CDD is responsible for ongoing maintenance and electricity costs.
D. Rest Area Expansion Follow-up
At the October meeting, the Board discussed the FDOT mailer regarding the possibility of the expansion of a rest area near the community. There was concern over the increased traffic this will bring to the area. Vice Chair Stuart previously volunteered to research and attend the upcoming meetings, and reported today that the initial plan is to eliminate car parking and only allow trucks at the rest area. The Board decided to keep this on the Agenda for periodic updates.
A. Proposal for Aerator System in Lake O-1
Vice Chair Stuart expressed concern about the sudsy appearance of this lake, and Field Manager Pepin agreed that installing an aerator would be helpful. It was also noted that that there are no homes around this lake, but water becomes stagnant in O-1, so an aerator would be beneficial. The Board approved this proposal, and District Manager Teague stated that the installation cost would be charged to the construction fund.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Vice Chair Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the installation of an aerator system on Lake O-1.
A. Field Manager’s Report
Field Manager Pepin’s report was reviewed, and he reported:
The lakes are in good condition, and there is a low presence of weeds.
Vice Chair Stuart inquired about a timeline for repairing the broken air stations, and Field Manager Pepin reported that 2 are currently being repaired, while others are not functioning at optimal levels, but are not actually broken. At the Board’s request, he will obtain proposals for these air stations, so they can function optimally.
The pine straw has been installed.
There is a dead pine tree that he will have removed.
There is climbing cassia present in the preserves, and this will be addressed by the maintenance contractor.
The perimeter fence cleanup and sod replacement projects are starting soon.
The fakahatchee grass will be installed when it is in stock at the nursery.
Field Manager Pepin will follow up with Dale at the golf course regarding the exotics present near the #12 green and the washout re-forming on Lake 3.
B. Follow-Up Items
i. Littoral Planting Project
This project is now complete.
ii. Washout Repairs on Lakes 11 and 19
The washout has been repaired.
A. Anti Human Trafficking Affidavit on All Government Contracts
Attorney Hart presented an overview of this new requirement, which states that all proposals, contracts, renewals, and other documents will need a notarized affidavit stating that the contractor does not use forced labor.
B. Easement Use Agreement for 9506 Via Lago Way
Supervisor Bond realized that 2 of his palm trees, the landscaping lights and a portion of the irrigation system are on CDD property. He asked for that an easement use agreement be in place so that everyone is aware of it. Attorney Hart had requested a sketch or photographs of the encroaching items to include in the agreement, which he has drafted. Supervisor Bond provided a sketch of the specific encroachments at the meeting. Attorney Hart recommended several changes to the agreement, so that the specific encroachment items will be identified properly. The Board approved the agreement, pending the changes proposed by Attorney Hart.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved an easement agreement for 9506 Via Lago Way, contingent on the approval of the Attorney.
Attorney Hart also reminded the Board that the annual ethics training is due by the end of the year.
Engineer McCleary asked staff to relay the location of the recent washout, if his input is needed.
He asked staff to tell him when the fence on Lake 6 has been moved, so he can review the site.
He also stated that he recently located the 4 well locations.
A. FEMA Reimbursement Update
District Manager Teague reported that they received an appeal denial for one of four open and appealed projects from Hurricane Ian.
B. Reminder: 4 Hours of Ethics Training Due December 31, 2024
Attorney Hart discussed this earlier in the meeting.
C. Review of Legal Expenses
An overview of the legal expenses was included in the packet. It was reported that the District has received a $100,000 check from their insurance carrier. The Board asked about the high cost of transcription for some of the regular meetings. Attorney Hart explained that transcription of some of the prior regular meetings is necessary, since some of these meetings include discussion of issues in the lawsuit. Some of these transcripts may also be needed during upcoming depositions. The Board discussed the necessity of securing a loan for legal expenses, and staff will research.
D. Meeting Location Options
Staff was notified that the upstairs conference room may not be available in the future, however, it appears that we can use it until August 2025. Other meeting options include several hotels near Renaissance ranging from $150-400 per day. Supervisor Pattee also mentioned another office building located near Rusty’s restaurant which may be an option.
FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
Chair Dickey commented on the unauthorized littoral and cabbage palm removal on Lake 8 near the empty lot. Staff had been researching who is responsible for removing the littorals from this shoreline. They will be sending a letter to the homeowner telling them to cease removal of anything from CDD property. Field Manager Pepin is also acquiring a proposal for replacement of the littorals in this area, and the cost will be billed back to the party responsible for their removal.
Supervisor Bond inquired about adding the names of each Supervisor as additional insured on the District’s policy. Staff will research and report back.
There were no Audience comments.