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Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2024

Renaissance Community Development District

The Regular Meeting and Budget Public Hearing of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Integrity Building, 3820 Colonial Blvd., Unit 200, Fort Myers, FL 33966 and via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Doug Dickey – Chair
Linda Stuart – Assistant Secretary
Russ Stuart – Assistant Secretary
Chris Bezaire – Assistant Secretary

Attending remotely:

George Pattee – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Asher Knipe – Attorney, Knott-Ebelini-Hart
Meredith Hammock- Attorney, Kilinski Van Wyk
Shelly Flaherty – Court Reporter
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager (PDM)

Attending remotely were:

Mark McCleary – Engineer, Community Engineering Services, Inc.
Chris Pepin – Field Manager, Community Field Services
Jennifer Kilinski – Attorney, Kilinski Van Wyk
Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager (PDM)

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Renaissance Community Development District Regular Meeting and Budget Public Hearing were called to order, and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. Four Board members were present, and Supervisor Pattee attended remotely. Also attending were Asher Knipe, Attorney, Meredith Hammock, Attorney, representing Concert Golf, Shelly Flaherty, Court Reporter, and Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager. Attending remotely were Mark McCleary, the Engineer, Chris Pepin, the Field Manager, Jennifer Kilinski, Attorney, representing Concert Golf, and Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Linda Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved Supervisor Pattee’s attendance remotely.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add 8C: Proposal for Fountain Light Replacement on Lake 13
Add 8D: Request for Fountain Installation on Lake 17

On MOTION by Supervisor Linda Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Resolution 2024-05: Board Reorganization

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget and O&M Special Assessment Public Hearings

A. Consideration of Final Budget

District Manager Teague stated that the Board can discuss the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget after the Public Hearing.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Linda Stuart, with all in favor, the Budget Public Hearing was opened at 9:04 a.m.

Before comments were given, Attorney Knipe reminded the Board that the Public Hearing is not a Q&A, but an opportunity for Public comment on the Budget.

Attorney Meredith Hammock, representing Concert Golf, presented a letter to the Board, which had been forwarded to staff, and which explained Concert Golf’s objections to the Budget and assessments. She read the letter, which included a request to the District to consider one of three options going forward.

It should be noted that the letter and attachments for this meeting will be included in the Record of Proceedings.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Linda Stuart, with all in favor, the Budget Public Hearing was closed at 9:18 a.m.

Attorney Knipe acknowledged that Attorney Hammock had emailed the letter to Attorney Hart this morning at approximately 6:00 a.m., so he only had a short time to review it. He suggested that, if the Board would like to discuss the comments in the letter, a shade meeting could be scheduled.

B. Resolution 2024-06: Adopt FY 2024-2025 Budget Appropriation

On MOTION by Supervisor Bezaire, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-06, adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget.

C. Consideration of Assessment Rates

The Board asked if it was appropriate to discuss the requests from the Concert attorneys. There was also discussion concerning the deadline for submitting the assessment roll to the County, and whether there was sufficient time for a shade meeting. The Board then approved and initiated a 10-minute break, allowing staff to research the notice requirements and deadlines.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Linda Stuart, with all in favor, the Board agreed to take a 10 minute break from 9:33 a.m. to 9:43 a.m.

When the Board reconvened at 9:43 a.m., Attorney Knipe reported that a notice must be published for a shade meeting, but there appeared to be enough time. It was decided to schedule a continuation meeting and a shade meeting on August 22, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at Attorney Knipe’s office. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss with Attorney Hart the letter presented by Attorney Hammock, and also to continue the meeting and Public Hearing.

This item was tabled until the continuation meeting.

D. Resolution 2024-07: Approval of FY 2024-2025 Assessments Levy


A. Items to Be Pulled for Discussion

No items were pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Russ Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.

C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

D. Consent Items

i. Draft Special Meeting Minutes from April 8, 2024
ii. Draft Special Meeting Minutes from April 19, 2024
iii. Draft Special Meeting Minutes from May 23, 2024
iv. Financial Reports for May 2024
v. Financial Reports for June 2024
vi. Financial Reports for July 2024
vii. Project Tracking Log


A. Golf Course Easement Request/Water Use Permit

District Manager Teague reported that Attorney Hart informed him that there is no update on this issue.

B. Lake 6 Shoreline Stabilization Project Update

District Manager Teague reported that, while the contractor was working on this project, several loads of dirt were deposited into the lake, which disappeared into one section of the lake. It was discovered that a resident had recently installed a fence in the CDD’s lake maintenance easement. This fence encroached so far into the easement that it would not be possible for the contractor to complete the repairs in this area.

At an onsite meeting with staff, Engineer McCleary was asked to inspect the area before any action was taken. Engineer McCleary surveyed the area, which showed that the fence was about 9’ into the easement in some sections and was not installed per the plans permitted by ARC. An email was sent to the Board and a Supervisor suggested contacting the homeowner. A letter was sent, and it requested the homeowner to move the fence back to the area illustrated in the permitted plans. Staff has not yet received a response from the homeowner.

At today’s meeting, Chair Dickey recommended that the homeowner have a deadline of November 1, 2024, to move the fence. It was decided that, if it was not completed by that date, the CDD will file a complaint with the County. It was decided that there will be further discussion at the continuation meeting.

C. Draft Fountain Installation Policy

The Board had reviewed the draft policy at the last meeting, and Assistant District Manager Gindling reported that it had been revised. The Board approved the policy, and the document will be finalized and uploaded to the District’s website for future use.                                                                        

On MOTION by Supervisor Linda Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Russ Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the fountain installation policy, as presented.


A. Proposal for Fish Stocking in Lakes 8, 9 and 10

This proposal was for releasing mosquito fish and channel catfish into the 3 lakes to help reduce the midge fly population. Both species of fish eat the midge fly larvae, which can reduce the spread of midge flies. The quote was at the cost of $3,100. The Board and Field Manager Pepin discussed the possible benefits and disadvantages to adding fish, and ultimately decided the investment was not worthwhile.

B. Proposal for Washout Repairs on Lakes 11 and 19

Pristine Lakes submitted a proposal for $3,100 to repair the two washouts that have formed on Lakes 11 & 19. The Lake 19 washout has formed due to a bubbler behind the homeowner’s fence that is discharging towards the lake and washing out the shoreline. The washout on Lake 11 has formed due to an irrigation mainline break that previously occurred. The Board asked if it would be beneficial to tie into the existing bubbler on the resident’s property, and Field Manager Pepin believed it would. Staff will contact the resident and ask if they agree to this. The Board approved the proposal and asked Field Manager Pepin to supervise the project.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Linda Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved washout repairs on Lakes 11 and 19, not to exceed $3,100.

C. Proposal for Fountain Light Replacement on Lake 13

While Fountain Kings was completing the motor and pump repairs for the Lake 13 fountain, they discovered that 3 of the 4 lights are no longer functioning, and the submerged line is also in need of replacement. They provided a proposal to replace the electrical line and lights at the cost of $2,393.50. The Board approved this proposal.

On MOTION by Supervisor Linda Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved Fountain Kings to replace the electrical line and lights on the Lake 13 fountain, not to exceed $2,393.50.

D. Request for Fountain Installation on Lake 17

Mr. Paul Halverson submitted a request for the installation of a fountain on Lake 17. Staff provided a map to the Board of the homes closest to the lake that they believed Mr. Halverson has contacted. Staff has received written approval from the residents in the area. The residents will pay for the fountain, and the CDD will pay approximately $5,000 for electrical, and will maintain it. Field Manager Pepin has asked for proposals for the installation. The Board was concerned that the location of the fountain might block the line of sight on the Golf Course, and wondered if it required installation closer to the homes. If it is close to the homes, it was believed that it will produce a spray and will be noisy.

Mr. Halverson also mentioned that he would like a remote control to manage the fountain, which the Board’s previously approved policy does not allow. They considered giving access to the Golf Pro for tournaments. After discussion, the Board decided that Chair Dickey will speak to the homeowner and Brian from the Golf Course about these concerns. This item was tabled until the continuation meeting.                          


A. Field Manager’s Report

Field Manager Pepin reviewed the report, and the following was discussed:

He reported that the lakes are in better condition, and it is apparent that the weeds have been treated and are dying. There is also less algae than last month.

He stated that the preserves have been underwater this month, so he could not inspect them.

He reported that some of the ongoing aerator issues have now been repaired. One air station appears to need a valve adjustment. The electrical issues in the aerator system on Lakes 10 and 0-3, that have been present for the past year, have been resolved, and the system is now online.

Field Manager Pepin stated that he submitted a work order for the issue with the fountain on Lake 9, and he has received no update.

He reported that there is some erosion near the Lake 9 t-box, and he is obtaining some quotes for planting grasses in the area.

He stated that there are some dead branches piling up near the wall, and he will obtain a proposal for their removal at the end of the year.

Field Manager Pepin stated that he will remove dead Fakahatchee at the front entrance, and he will obtain a quote for replacing the pine straw.

He stated that there was a drainage structure that was covered in vegetation, but he could not clear it off, since an alligator was on the structure at the time. 

He reported that there is a section of fence that has a hole, and the Board asked Field Manager Pepin to zip tie it closed, until a contractor can be found to repair it.

He stated that there have been some reports of hogs coming through the perimeter fences. There is one uplifted section in the CDD’s fence, and the Board asked him to install some rebar to push it down.

B. Follow-Up Items

i. Littoral Planting Project

Field Manager Pepin stated that they will plant the littorals near the end of the rainy season, because the water levels are currently too high.

ii. Lake 0-3: Washout on South End of Lake

Field Manager Pepin reported that the large washout on Lake 0-3 at the Golf Course, that was reported to Dale in July, still has not been addressed. He will remind him to repair it.


A. Concert Renaissance Lawsuit

Attorney Knipe stated this will be addressed during the shade meeting.                             


Engineer McCleary had nothing further to report.


A. FEMA Reimbursement Update

An update provided by Client Services Manager Dudak was included in the packet. District Manager Teague also reported that Field Manager Pepin is obtaining a list of vendors available for hurricane cleanup. There has been no response from FEMA about reimbursement for the expenses from Hurricane Ian.

B. Update on Insurance Reimbursement

District Manager Teague reported that he has submitted the lawsuit legal expenses to the District’s insurance company for reimbursement, but has received no approval as of yet, so he will continue to follow up.

C. Discussion of Required Budget Advertisements and Letters

As per the Attorney’s request, staff published a display ad with a map and mailed letters to all owners regarding today’s Budget Public Hearing. Staff spent approximately 9 hours on this task. District Manager Teague stated that, if this becomes the norm, management will charge for the extra time spent.

D. Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Meeting Schedule; Resolution 2024-08 to Adopt It

District Manager Teague stated that, on the proposed meeting dates for 2024-2025, the conference room has been confirmed as available, and the Board approved Resolution 2024-08.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-08, adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 meeting dates.

E. Proposed District Goals, Objectives, and Measures Annual Report; Resolution 2024-09 to Adopt It

Staff’s proposed goal document was included in the packet, and Attorney Hart has reviewed and approved the document. The Board approved Resolution 2024-09, and the document will be posted to the District’s website.

On MOTION by Supervisor Linda Stuart, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-09, adopting the District’s goals, objectives, and measures annual report document.

THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Supervisor Pattee requested a copy of the document presented by Attorney Hammock, and staff emailed him a copy after the meeting.


There were no additional Audience comments.

The Board approved a continuation meeting and a shade meeting on Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at 1625 Hendry Street, 3rd Floor, Fort Myers, Florida.

On MOTION by Supervisor Bezaire, seconded by Supervisor Linda Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved a continuation meeting, including the Budget Public Hearing, and a closed meeting on August 22, 2024.


A Continuation Meeting and Budget Public Hearing, and a Closed Meeting are scheduled for August 22, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
The Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair