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Draft Meeting Minutes for October 9, 2023

Renaissance Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, October 9, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at the Premier District Management Office, 3820 Colonial Blvd., Suite 101 in Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Doug Dickey – Chair
Sam Martin – Vice Chair
Linda Stuart – Assistant Secretary
George Pattee – Assistant Secretary
Chris Bezaire – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Tom Hart – Attorney, Knott-Ebelini-Hart
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM

Attending remotely were:

Mark McCleary – Engineer, Community Engineering Services
Chris Pepin – Field Manager, Community Field Services
Karem Hernandez – Resident
Allison Humbert – Resident
Debbie Miller – Resident
Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM
Felipe Lemus – PDM

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Renaissance Community Development District regular meeting was called to order, and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. All Board members were present. Also attending were Tom Hart, the Attorney, and Melissa Gindling from PDM. Chris Pepin, the Field Manager, Mark McCleary, the Engineer, Christopher Dudak and Felipe Lemus from PDM, and Residents Karem Hernandez, Allison Humbert, and Debbie Miller all participated remotely.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add 6D: Palomino Berm Sod Proposal
Add 10C: Resolution 2024-02: FY 2023 Budget Amendment II
Add 6E: Proposal for Fountain Lights on Lake #9

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.


A. Items to Be Pulled for Discussion

There were no items pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Supervisor Bezaire, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.

C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

D. Consent Items

i. Draft Audit Selection Committee Meeting Minutes from August 14, 2023
ii. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes from August 14, 2023
iii. Financial Reports for August 2023
iv. Financial Reports for September 2023
v. Project Tracking Log
vi. FEMA Reimbursement Update

District Manager Teague presented an update on the FEMA claim, and it was discussed. On September 14, 2023, the FEMA public assistance program delivery manager (PDMG) attempted to enter the community and was denied access. FEMA uploaded a memo to the grants portal, which is used for the eligibility review for all of our CDD applications. Staff believes that they are planning to use a slight change in the wording of their requirements for CDDs to deny the application, that being that reimbursement is only available for “an eligible facility that is open to and serves the general public.” In 2020, the phrase was: “an eligible facility that is accessible to the general public.” The Board would like to be proactive and let FEMA know that they are welcome to enter the community in the future.


A. Golf Course Easement Request/Water Use Permit

Attorney Hart stated that Concert Golf had threatened to sue the CDD over the increase of assessments at the last meeting, but so far a suit has not been filed. He noted that Concert’s attorneys have not responded to his request for a meeting as of yet. Attorney Hart stated that, if the CDD is sued, he would schedule a special meeting, and then a private executive meeting with the Board would be held. After discussion, it was stated that the Board is still open for discussion with Concert Golf, and they requested Attorney Hart to send another letter asking them to meet for negotiations.

B. I-75 Wall Repair Update

District Manager Teague reported that he and staff had inspected the site and noted that the contractor had installed a few more panels. The contractor had submitted a change order, requesting 9 additional posts, at the cost of $12,000. He stated that there are 3 posts on site that could be used, but he would rather not use them, because they are 2’ shorter than what he is installing. The contractor stated that if the 3 posts are used, it would reduce the cost of the change order. After discussion, the Board accepted the change order, since it was still within the previously approved amount. It was noted that the project is taking a long time, and the Board asked staff to give the contractor no payment until the project is complete and has been inspected by Field Manager Pepin and Engineer McCleary. They also suggested giving the contractor a deadline to complete the work or the Board would consider another firm to finish the project.

i. Vegetation Options for Sound Barrier

Supervisor Pattee reported that he had researched the cost of firebush plants and found that the cost was approximately $33,000 for the purchase and installation of 1,500 3-gallon plants, and Field Manager Pepin stated that Pristine Lakes had quoted approximately $29,000 for the installation and purchase of the same plants. Field Manager Pepin also noted that the dry season is approaching, and since there is no irrigation in this area, he does not recommend planting anything new until the rainy season. Chris also recommended staggering the firebush with drought resistant trees. There was discussion on the best location and timing for plant installation, and if it was necessary. After discussion, it was decided that Supervisor Stuart will find a professional to give their input before a decision is made. They also agreed that they had time to consider all options and asked for a solid proposal for planting just before the rainy season.

ii. Berm Mowing Options and Alternatives

It was stated that the benefits of making changes to the berm include aesthetic improvement, sound reduction, and reduction in mowing costs. It was also stated that the installation of multiple rows of plants is needed to eliminate mowing the area. Since they could not plant until right before the rainy season, the Board decided to contact some acoustic engineers for their advice. Supervisor Stuart agreed to investigate.

iii. Additional Repairs/Improvements

District Manager Teague stated that there have been no additional recommendations or requests from the contractor, other than the receipt of the change order, but staff will follow up.

C. Lake 6 Shoreline Stabilization Update

District Manager Teague stated that they still have not received the LDO. Field Manager Pepin stated Seabreeze Erosion sent a revised proposal, because of the rising costs of labor and materials. There is also a severe washout at the corner of 12450 Vittoria Way, and Chris believes that this is exacerbated by the homeowner’s construction of a pool. The cost increase for materials is $4,444 and cost for the severe washout is $6,850. The Board had no objection to the cost increase for materials and labor.

Attorney Hart suggested that, if the homeowner’s construction near the washout was responsible for the erosion, the homeowner should complete the repairs. The Board asked management to either call or send a letter to the homeowner with this request.

D. Aeration Upgrade Follow-up

Field Manager Pepin reported that Solitude has completed their warranty repairs, and they have been issued the final payment. Solitude will be contacted when there are issues with equipment that is under warranty. Chris stated that they are having some electrical issues with the new aeration systems, and the new company will address these issues.

E. Lake 8 and Lake 10 N Fountain Installations

District Manager Teague reported that both fountains have been installed.

i. Resident Concern Regarding Lake 8 Fountain

Resident Allison Humbert stated that she had not been contacted about the installation of the fountain, but it was reported that she was in favor, when in fact she was not. Resident Karem Hernandez stated that the fountain is too noisy, and she also had not been asked. Chair Dickey stated that a good policy going forward would be to ensure that all affected residents are contacted before a project is approved to avoid misunderstanding.

It was stated that the Board made their decision based on the information they had at the time, which was that 4 out of 5 residents were in favor of the fountain installation. Attorney Hart noted that the fountain is on CDD property, and the decision is ultimately a CDD decision. After discussion and comments from the residents, the Board and District Manager Teague ended the discussion, because there was no motion to remove the fountain.


A. Washout Repair Proposal

District Manager Teague reported that there are several moderate to severe washouts along the shorelines of some lakes. Field Manager Pepin stated that most are naturally occurring, but the washout on Lake L-6 is the responsibility of the homeowner, because of the discharge pipe on their property. The Board approved Pristine Lakes proposal for repairs on all of the lakes affected, except the washout on Lake L-6. The proposal also includes extending the pipe on this resident’s property into the lake. Staff will contact the resident and ask them to repair the washout behind their home.

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved Pristine Lakes to repair the washouts on several lakes, not to exceed $12,000.

B. Proposal for Aerator Repairs on Lakes 6, 8, 12, 13, and 18

The Board approved Pristine Lakes’ proposal for several aerator repairs of the older systems that were not part of the upgrade plan that Solitude had completed.

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Bezaire, with all in favor, the Board approved Pristine Lakes to repair the aerators on Lakes 6, 8, 12, 13, and 18, not to exceed $6,030.

C. Annual Fence Line Clean Up Proposal

District Manager Teague stated that Pristine Lakes submitted a proposal for conducting the annual fence line vegetation cutbacks in 3 to 5 days at $1,600 per day. The Board approved the proposal at a not to exceed cost of $4,800.

On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved Pristine Lakes to conduct the annual fence line vegetation cutbacks, not to exceed $4,800.

D. Palomino Berm Sod Proposal

This project had been discussed and approved at the August meeting, so the Board had no objection to the completion of the project with the estimate that had been proposed.

E. Proposal for Fountain Lights on Lake #9

A proposal was presented to replace the light fixtures on Lake 9 for $1,100, which the manager had approved after consultation with Chair Dickey. The Board had no objection to the project with the estimate that had been proposed, as approved by the District Manager.


A. Field Manager’s Report

Field Manager Pepin reviewed his report and the following was discussed:

Field Manager Pepin reported that the shoreline weeds in the lakes have been treated and are dying off, but the weeds in two lakes will be treated again. Some submerged weeds are dying off naturally, and they are also treating other submerged weeds. This is producing positive results, so he believes that this is a good time to start the littoral planting program, and he hopes to present a proposal at the next meeting.

As previously discussed, West Coast Electrical is addressing the electrical issues with some aerators, and the proposal for aerator repairs approved earlier in the meeting will include an upgraded system for Lake 8. This entails increasing the compressor and the air stations.

He stated that Pristine Lakes is completing scheduled preserve maintenance earlier than usual, because Solitude was not completing the maintenance as needed.

Field Manager Pepin stated that pine straw has been installed in the community, and he asked if the Board would like it installed at the entrance. The Board had no objection to the project.

He noted that there is debris on a stormwater structure, and they will remove it.

He reported that the homeowner at 12450 Vittoria Way who was installing a pool had repaired the silt barrier quickly.

B. Follow-Up Items

There were no follow-up items to discuss.


Attorney Hart had nothing further to report.


Engineer McCleary reported that he had received a call from Dave Underhill of Banks Engineering, who is representing Concert Golf. Engineer McCleary answered several questions about our lake maintenance and the phases scheduled for the erosion repair project.

He also reported that the County’s response on the LDO is due October 16th.


A. Resolution 2024-01: Board Reorganization

District Manager Teague stated that, because Chris Bezaire had been appointed as a Board member at the last meeting, this resolution for electing Board officers was necessary. The Board decided to keep the same officers, with Supervisor Bezaire filling the position of Assistant Secretary.

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Pattee, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-01 retaining the current officers of the Board of Supervisors and designating Chris Bezaire as Assistant Secretary.

B. Construction Fund Update

District Manager Teague reported that the second requisition was just submitted to the bank, so that funds could be released to the construction fund.

Vice Chair Martin asked if the lake bank report could be updated to include the lakes in and about the golf course. It was decided that one of the Board members will view the community with Field Manager Pepin to identify the areas of concern. Field Manager Pepin will contact Vice Chair Martin to discuss this.

C. Resolution 2024-02: FY 2023 Budget Amendment II

District Manager Teague stated that staff had prepared this Budget amendment to re-allocate funds at the end of the fiscal year to balance the budget, and he reviewed the changes that staff recommended. The Board approved this resolution.

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Pattee, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-02 Fiscal Year 2023 Budget amendment to re-allocate funds to balance the Budget.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Chair Dickey asked if an email could be sent to residents of the District, detailing some of the facts regarding the recent golf course assessment changes. The Board agreed that Attorney Hart and staff can draft a letter outlining the facts, and it will be emailed to the Board for review before it is sent. Staff will forward the letter to the HOA for distribution. There was also discussion concerning the most effective ways to communicate with the community.

Chair Dickey also noted that he will not be attending the next meeting, but it was determined that there will be enough Board members present for a quorum.


Resident Debbie Miller commented that she loves the preserves and the community, and she also appreciates the CDD’s management. She noted that she has been receiving many questions from residents regarding the Concert Golf issue. She thought it would be a good idea for the Board to reach out to Concert and attempt further negotiations. She also noted that there may have been a communication breakdown regarding the residents who live near the fountain on Lake 8, and she would like the Board to institute procedures to avoid this in the future. She asked that the Board increase their communication with the community.


On MOTION by Vice Chair Martin, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:22 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair