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Draft Meeting Minutes for June 8, 2020

Renaissance Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held via web conference on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 9 a.m.

Attending via web conference authorized by Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:

John Gnagey – Chair
John Bartz – Vice Chair
Doug Dickey – Assistant Secretary
Glen Hammer – Assistant Secretary
Richard Platt – Assistant Secretary

Also attending via phone were:

Cal Teague – District Manager
Attorney – Tom Hart
Mark McCleary – Engineer
Chris Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Valerie Nolan – Audience Member

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All were present for today’s meeting by web conference. Also present were the District Attorney Tom Hart, Engineer Mark McCleary, and Assistant to the District Manager Chris Dudak. There was one audience member who did not have any comments.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda was approved as presented.

On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Meeting Minutes from April 13, 2020

On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Chair Gnagey, with all in favor, voted to accept the regular Minutes from April 13, 2020.


A. Lake Bank Erosion Mitigation Plans for Lakes 18, 6, 7, O-2, O-3 Update

Supervisor Platt updated the Board on the drainage issues. He reported that the Condominium Association changed their plan based on their Engineer and landscape design. There was a difference of opinion whether that would increase erosion. Lake & Wetland recommended running the condo discharge pipes into the lake, and the Engineer wants to conduct additional surveys. He also suggested putting in an additional trunk system for the condo pipes to tie into.

Supervisor Hammer suggested they let Triana install their project, take a look at it next year and focus their attention on Lake 7. A letter will be sent to residents telling them what they need to fix on their properties. The new contractor will make removing the torpedo grass a priority.

On Motion by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board voted to rescind the funding for the restoration and landscaping work on Lake 18 pending Triana’s completion of their landscaping. The Board will revisit and evaluate the issue at that time.

i. Lake 7 Erosion Plans Update

Lake & Wetland submitted two proposals for these repairs.. It was recognized that to accomplish a long term solution, the homeowner would need to be cooperative because storm water is running off of their home downspouts and causing erosion on the lake banks. The Board wants the Engineer to survey the back of the homes along Lake 7 and come up with individual recommendations. They would also like the South Florida Water Management District to specify the length of the slope required on existing lake banks.

On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board voted to authorize an amount not to exceed $5,000 for the Engineer to do the survey and inspection to identify any problems causing erosion on Lake 7.

B. Aerator & Fountain Maintenance Update

Lake & Wetland has assumed control and will inspect all the aerators and fountains later this month. A report will follow.

C. Cabbage Palms Removal Update

Almost 25,000 pounds of cabbage palms and coconuts were removed from the lake banks. Stumps were treated, but about 50% of them have new growth on them. The Field Manager recommended three follow-up treatments for the next three months to remove new growth by re-treating the stumps. The cost will be less than $1,000.

Phase 2: There are about 26 larger cabbage palms that remain along the banks that require removal if the Board desires which would cost about $1,400. The Board agreed to not proceed with the cabbage palm removal unless someone complains about them.

D. Shady Lady Tree Trimming Update

The District Manager said that Juniper does good work but has not communicated well. They have not sent a proposal to prune the two shady lady trees along Lake 18. He will reach out to the branch manager.


A. SFWMD Preserve Non-Compliance Letter

This was issued due to the presence of invasive exotic vegetation in the Northern Preserves and had been cited by SFWMD. After the compliance letter was issued, Lake & Wetland returned for three additional days and retreated the preserve again last month.


A. Financial Statements for March & April 2020

The Board reviewed the Financials for March and April.

On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the financial statements for March and April 2020.

B. Resolution 2020-04: Approval of Tentative FY 2021 Budget & Setting Public Hearing

The proposed budget was presented and there are no increases in assessments. The Public Hearing was suggested for August 10, 2020.

On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Vice Chair Bartz, with all in favor, the Board voted to approve Resolution 2020-04 approving a tentative budget and setting the Public Hearing for August 10, 2020.

C. Website Update

The new website has been launched.


A. Bimonthly Field Report: May 2020

There is going to be a bare shoreline by the wooded Preserve area near the #10 green where plants had to be removed. The Board approved new plantings that will prevent invasive plants from growing back.

On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the Board voted to approve new plantings by the wooded Preserve area near the #10 green for an amount not to exceed $2,000.

B. Odd-month Field Inspection Discussion

An additional odd-month inspection from the Field Manager was requested which will cost $260 per inspection.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Chair Gnagey, with all in favor, the Board voted to have an additional odd-month inspection by the Field Manager performed for $260 per inspection.


A. General Counsel Engagement Agreement

The Attorney submitted a request for an increase in his fees starting with the next budget year in October. His fee had remained the same since 2001. He is requesting $1,500 per month, $18,000 annually.

On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, the Board voted to increase the Attorney’s fees to $1,500/month, $18,000 annually, to begin in the next budget year in October.


A. South Florida Water Management District Monitoring Report

The Board reviewed the water quality monitoring report. The Engineer explained the pumps and wells on the property that recharge the lakes, along with the water use permit.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

  • Vice Chair Bartz said he is not running for the Board again.
  • After the May 2021 bond is paid off, Vice Chair Bartz suggested using reserve funds to reduce the amount of the loan. He would like a confirmation proposal.
  • Those members who are running for the Board need to register this week. If nobody runs, somebody can be appointed.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


There being no further Orders of Business and,

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:27 a.m.

Next Meeting: August 10, 2020 at 9 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair