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Draft Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2020

Renaissance Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 9 a.m. at the Club at Renaissance on 12801 Renaissance Way in Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.

Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:

John Gnagey – Chair
Doug Dickey – Assistant Secretary
Glen Hammer – Assistant Secretary
Richard Platt – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or attending via web conference) were:

Cal Teague – District Manager
Attorney – Tom Hart
Mark McCleary – Engineer
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – Premier District Management

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. All current Board members were present, with Supervisor Platt requesting to use the Go-to-Meetings link to participate electronically. Also in attendance was John Hindman, candidate for the Board vacancy in Seat 4, and Engineer Mark McCleary. Participating on Go-to-Meetings was Attorney Tom Hart, Christopher Dudak and Nancy Dudak from PDM.

On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board voted to allow Supervisor Platt to attend the meeting using the Go-to-Meetings link to participate electronically.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Post-Election Supervisor Oath of Office

The Oath of Office was administered to Supervisor Hammer, who ran unopposed and was re-elected for Seat #5.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS New Supervisor Appointment Letters of Interest

Two Letters of Interest were received from individuals who want to serve on the Board, one from Mr. John Hindman and one from Mr. Jim Mercer. Chair Gnagey moved from the community and will submit his letter of resignation from the Board.

On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the Board voted to appoint Supervisor Hindman to fill Seat #4, previously held Supervisor John Bartz, for a four-year term.

The Oath of Office was administered to Supervisor Hindman.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the Board accepted with regrets the resignation of Chair Gnagey.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Supervisor Platt, with all in favor, the Board voted to appoint Supervisor Mercer to fill the remaining two years of Seat #1, previously held by Chair Gnagey.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Reorganization Resolution 2021-01

This Resolution establishes officers for the Board. The Board discussed their reorganization options.

On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, under Board Reorganization Resolution 2021-01, the Board elected Supervisor Platt to serve as the Chair, Supervisor Dickey to serve as Vice Chair, Supervisors Hindman and Mercer to serve as Assistant Secretaries, with all other positions remaining as currently named. Cal Teague will continue to serve as Secretary and Treasurer, and Jennifer Miller will continue as Assistant Treasurer.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Board discussed adding item 9B, a palm tree trimming proposal.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hindman, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda as submitted, adding 9B, a palm tree trimming proposal.

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes from October 12, 2020

The Board reviewed the Draft Meeting Minutes from October 12, 2020. There was a change on Line 61, changing the word “Chair” to “Supervisor.”

On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Minutes as amended, changing the word “Chair” to “Supervisor” on Line 61.


A. Lake Maintenance Update

The District Manager said that the Field Manager observed heavy treatments of the spatterdock and lily pads during the November inspection. He is pleased with the progress that Lake & Wetland is making, and was expected to conduct a mini-inspection before this meeting. There have been complaints from residents about algae on Lake 15 and Lake 17, about which Lake & Wetland will be informed.

B. Lake 7 Erosion Plans Update

i. Revised Proposal

Lake & Wetland proposed running a four-inch parallel drain pipe along the shoreline and installing 12 four-way couplings between each home for $9,500. The estimate did not include a 12×12 basin. Letters were sent to affected property owners, asking if they want to participate, with their cost being a maximum of $600. The box could be on or near their property. Nine people said yes, and one opted out. Three did not respond. This is being proposed to avoid future washouts. People who do not participate will be responsible for washouts on their property in the future. This proposal was included in the overall price, now projected at about $68,500. An informational meeting was held to answer questions from affected homeowners. Chair Platt recommended contacting the homeowners who did not respond to get a verbal response. The Chair and the District Manager will work on possible solutions.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Vice Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board agreed on a Budget Amendment to adjust the FY2021 budget by increasing revenue, use of the unassigned Fund Balance to $150,000, and increase the Capital Outlay by $81,727 for the lake bank restoration.

C. Drainage System Inspection Report Results

There are 107 stormwater structures that have 25% or more of blockage, according to MRI. They reported that 35 of them contain at least 75% of silt. The Board discussed where to dump the dirt when cleaned. There was a proposal for cleaning later in the meeting.

On MOTION by Chair Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board approved a not to exceed amount of $25,000 to clean out the most severely blocked of the stormwater drainage systems.

D. SFWMD Preserve Non-Compliance Update

The Field Manager reported that Lake & Wetland Management was onsite several times to treat the exotics since the last meeting. There will be another treatment event soon. There are eight natural areas that are not being maintained as part of the conservation areas. The Board requested a mitigation plan for the next meeting. The next inspection by the South Florida Water Management District is scheduled for April. The Field Manager indicated that they were making positive progress.


A. Stormwater Cleaning Proposal

This was discussed in Item 7C.

B. Palm Tree Trimming

The Board discussed a trimming proposal from Juniper for 92 sabal palms that are 12′ or taller for $1,821.60.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board approved a proposal from Juniper to trim 92 sabal palms on Palomino Drive for $1,821.60.


A. Financial Statements for October & November 2020

The Board reviewed the financials for October and November 2020.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hammer, seconded by Vice Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved the October and November 2020 financials.

B. PDM Contract Amendment for FEMA Anti-Lobbying Language

The Board discussed FEMA requested language for future claims. FEMA requires that any contracts that exceed $100,000, the contractor has to certify that there was no lobbying. It is called the Byrd Anti Lobbying Act.

On MOTION by Chair Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board approved an amendment to their contract that includes language for future FEMA claims that complies with the Byrd Anti Lobbying Act, certifying that there will be no lobbying in contracts that exceed $100,000.


A. Field Report: November 2020

  • All the lakes had considerable torpedo grass and shoreline weeds that are being addressed.
  • There are a few lakes that have algae, specifically Lake 15.
  • Supervisor John Hindman requested to ride along on a field inspection.
  • Midge flies hatchlings were observed by the Field Manager in the St. Augustine sod. The landscapers can treat it, which is an HOA responsibility.
  • Washouts were identified on Lake 16.
  • Exposed irrigation lines that have not been used for awhile may have leaks and were said to be unsightly. The Board asked that they be removed after getting Club approval.
  • Exotics were observed along the northern perimeter fence adjacent to Lake 6.
  • The overflow weirs are all free of debris.
  • The front entrance cordgrass was asked to be a priority.
  • Mulch bags and other debris were found on the lakes.
  • The Chair stated that the Field Manager is doing a great job.

B. Follow-Up Items

i. Berm Sod Torn-Up By Mowers

The District Manager stated that Juniper confirmed that they will use a smaller push mower to prevent issues with the sod.

ii. L&W Cutback Responsibilities Around Electrical Panels

The Board discussed Lake & Wetland Management’s responsibility to maintain vegetation around the electrical panels, according to the contract. They would like L&W to be reminded to do this.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


The Engineer addressed what is required in the wetland preserve concerning signage. He and the Field Manager will obtain costs for the preserve area signage after confirming what is legally required.

FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

The Board welcomed Supervisor Hindman.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


There being no further Orders of Business and,

On MOTION by Supervisor Hindman, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Meeting was adjourned at 10:51 a.m.

Next Meeting: February 8, 2021 at 9 a.m.