Draft Meeting Minutes for August 9th, 2021
Renaissance Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, August 9th, 2021 at 9:08 a.m. at the Club at Renaissance on 12801 Renaissance Way in Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Richard Platt – Chair
Doug Dickey – Vice Chair
John Huether – Assistant Secretary
Jim Mercer – Assistant Secretary
Sam Martin – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Tom Hart – Attorney
Mark McCleary – Engineer
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – Assistant District Manager
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. All current Board members were present except Chair Platt how attended via web conference. Also participating via web conference were the Engineer Mark McCleary, Tom Hart – Attorney, Nancy Dudak and Christopher Dudak from PDM.
On Motion by Vice Chair Dickey with second by Supervisor Mercer and approved by all to acknowledge and allow Chair Platt to participate via web conference.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Resolution 2021-04 Board Reorganization
The Board agreed to move this topic to the next meeting.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
An amended agenda was presented at the meeting. Supervisor Platt’s resignation letter is now effective after the adjournment of the regular meeting.
On MOTION by Supervisor Mercer with second by Vice Chair Dickey and all in favor the amended agenda was approved.
No Audience comments were made.
Line 58 was struck from the minutes regarding discussion of dredge sox for lake 8.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, second by Supervisor Mercer with all in favor, the amended minutes of the May 10th, 2021 minutes were accepted.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS FY 2022 Budget Public Hearing
A. Resolution 2021-05 Adoption of FY 2022 Budget
In the absence of any audience present, either online or in person at the August 9th, 2021 public meeting the “public hearing to review the FY 2022 Budget: was not called. The District Manager reviewed the highlights of the proposed FY 2022 Budget stating that no increases in assessments were being proposed. There was general discussion about the work needed and general budget amounts set aside to address lake bank restorations. History of the contracts with Lake and Wetland Management versus Solitude was reviewed and a general consensus to monitor the quality of the work with the work being provided now that Solitude has purchased Lake and Wetland Management.
It was discussed that an additional appropriation of $28,600 was needed for the increase in contract for the preserves north of the community near Reflection Lakes. This increase was $26,600 plus an additional $2,000 appropriated as a new line item in Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Mercer with all in favor the Board accepted and approved Resolution 2021-05 Adoption of the FY 2022 Budget as submitted.
B. Resolution 2021-06 Approval of FY 2022 Assessment Levy
On MOTION by Supervisor Mercer and second by Chair Platt, the Board approved Resolution 2021-06 setting the of FY 2022 Assessment Levy.
A. Lakes Maintenance Updates
This topic was discussed under approval of the FY 2022 Budget discussion.
B. Water Use Permit Concerns
The District Manager recapped previous discussions by the Board where Chair Platt did not have confidence regarding irrigation water use decisions. It is not clear who has responsibility for irrigation water use since the Club owns the pumps and irrigation hardware, and the CDD owns the lakes. Who determines what gets watered, the lawns, the common areas or the golf course in the event there is not enough water?
The Engineer explained the original intent of the agreement and stated that the intent was for cost reimbursement. The issue came up when it was determined the water use permit is under the name of the golf club. Mr. McCleary further commented that the permit is up for renewal in about 4 years. Discussion followed regarding should the recharge pumps be made operational?
The Board agreed to keep this as an agenda item for further discussion and review. There is an active motion from the previous meeting that the recharge pumps would be evaluated. This still needs to be done.
Attorney Tom Hart suggested that a meeting between the Club and the CDD be set to include the Attorneys and Engineers to discuss these issues. Supervisor Mercer will reach out to the Club to initiate the process. Engineer Mark McCleary confirmed that the 4 recharge pumps and wells are permitted for withdrawals. Mark will send this information to Supervisor Mercer.
C. Additional Owners with Hardened Surfaces on lake edges update on Indemnity/Agreement Letters.
One letter has been signed and returned. Another letter the homeowner responded that they purchased the house after the hardened surface had been installed and therefore was released of liability for the work. There has not been a response from the other homeowners. Supervisor Huether stated he received a letter and did some research. He believes that the approval from the county can be obtained under the less than 25% rule of lake front based on his conversations with the county however this would require written permission from the CDD. This does not mean that SWFL Water Management will approve. Supervisor Huether will send his letter and communications to Attorney Hart for review and recommendation. This topic will be discussed at the next meeting.
A. Resolution 2021-07 FY 2022 Meeting Schedule
The FY 2022 proposed meeting dates were discussed and
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, second by Supervisor Mercer, with all in favor, Resolution 2021-07 FY Meeting Schedule was approved as submitted.
B. Perimeter Wall Graffiti
A proposal to paint with anti-graffiti paint was presented for $10,620.27. After discussion it was agreed that the graffiti would return if only painted over. Adding vegetation that would block access to the wall was discussed.
On MOTION by Chair Platt, seconded by supervisor Mercer, and approved by all, the Board will inform the Club they will paint the graffiti and submit a proposal to plant Eucalyptus and install irrigation with intent that the trees will obstruct access to the wall and deter vandalism and act as a sound barrier.
A. Financial statements for April, May and June 2021.
The District Manager reviewed the April, May and June financials. The July financial report has not been completed as of the meeting.
On MOTION, by Supervisor Mercer, second by Chair Platt with all in favor, the April, May and June 2022 financial statements were approved as presented.
A. Field Report
Supervisor Dickey asked why there is a continuing problem with the compressors. The Field Manager is tracking problems with the ageing aerators.
It was suggested that Lake and Wetland use the boat in the lakes to spray all the spatterdock.
The Board gave approval for removing coconuts on lake 6 and cutting back the encroaching vegetation on the Palomino berm.
Supervisor Mercer had to leave the meeting at this time. It was 10:51 am.
B. Follow-Up Items
i. Erosion Priority Lists for CDD and Club
A priority list was presented in the packet from the Field Manager referencing erosion priorities. The Field Manager recommends restoring the lake’s shorelines at the same time versus jumping around to different locations based on severity. Chair Platt stated that the CDD had agreed to address resident sides of the lakes prior to addressing the golf course side of the lakes. Mr. Hart clarified the entire lake is the responsibility of the CDD but the CDD could then look to get reimbursed for the work from the Club if erosion was a result of actions by the Club.
ii. Lake 7 Erosion Project Update
Lake and Wetland Management was reminded of several outstanding work items that need to be addressed on
Lake 7. They sent a work crew out on 8/4/21 to address the items and the Field Manager will inspect the work when he is on site.
iii. Lake 7 South Washout Repair Proposal
A proposal for $4,500 was presented to address the new washout that appeared on the southside of lake 7 and
On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, second by Chair Platt, with all in favor it was approved.
iv. 9516 Via Lago Drainage Repair Update
Drain pipe extensions were installed in June so this project is complete.
v. 9609 Via Lago Way CDD Lake Bank Restoration
Stone was dumped into the washout on the shoreline. The contractor denies that his team is responsible. The Board requested the attorney send a letter to the homeowner requesting cleanup.
vi. Lake 8 Pipe Re-attachment Proposals
Photographs of the displaced pipe were presented and two proposals were received one for $2,800 and the other for $3,200 and
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey with second by Chair Platt, with all in favor the Board approved the low bid from MRI at $2,800.
A. Club Clearing of Natural Areas.
The Board requested the attorney send a letter to the resident that contracted to have natural areas behind their house cleared out explaining the legal ramifications of clearing a protected natural area. In addition, the attorney along with the District Manager and Supervisor Mercer will schedule a meeting with the Club to address the Club’s periodic clearing of the natural areas.
B. House Bill 53
The District Manager reviewed the requirements of the new house bill 53 requiring the CDD to submit to the State a 20-year plan with 5-year updates on their storm water management plan.
There being none the Next Order of Business followed.
THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
Chair Platt’s letter of resignation was presented and
On MOTION by Supervisor Huether, seconded by Vice Chair Dickey with all in favor, the resignation of Chair Platt was accepted.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
There being no further Orders of Business and,
On MOTION by Supervisor Huether, seconded by Vice Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Meeting was adjourned at 11:06 a.m.
Next Meeting: October 11th, 2021 at 9 a.m.