Draft Meeting Minutes for August 10, 2020
Renaissance Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held via web conference on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 9 a.m.
Attending via web conference authorized by Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:
John Gnagey – Chair
John Bartz – Vice Chair
Doug Dickey – Assistant Secretary
Glen Hammer – Assistant Secretary
Richard Platt – Assistant Secretary
Also attending via web conference were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Attorney – Tom Hart
Mark McCleary – Engineer
Nancy Dudak – Premier District Management
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. All were present for today’s meeting by web conference. Also present were the District Attorney Tom Hart, Engineer Mark McCleary, and Nancy Dudak, Premier District Management. Several residents were in attendance.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda was approved as presented.
On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.
Anthony Mastrolia asked what the engineer had to say regarding the problem with the aerators in Lake 18 and about the fish stocking in four of the lakes. The District Manager indicated that these issues will be addressed later in the Agenda.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from June 8, 2020
On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, voted to accept the regular Minutes from June 8, 2020.
A. Lake & Wetland Aerator and Fountain Maintenance Updates
i. New Proposals
The Board reviewed two proposals from Lake & Wetland Management to repair the aerator systems in Lakes 2 and 16. One proposal is to repair them for $1,600 each. The other proposal was to completely replace both of them, including new air lines and air stations within the lakes. Supervisor Platt commented that there have never been compressors there, and the fountains were used to aerate the lakes. He questioned spending $11,400 on new systems if aerators were never in place, and the Board passed on the proposals at this time.
B. Lake Maintenance Update
The District Manager reported that Lake & Wetland Management is making some progress on the spatterdock, but the weeds are out of control because it is summertime. The Chair reported that the spatterdock near #8 is starting to die. He said some of the lakes have not been done yet. The Board commented that algae is still a problem on most of the lakes, but on Lakes 7 and 9, it was extending outside of the littorals. Supervisor Dickey asked about Lake 10 and the 2,000 plants that were supposed to have been planted on the east side after the invasive species were removed. The Field Manager will look into it.
C. Lake 7 Erosion Plans Update
i. Engineer Comments
The Engineer reported that he identified high water above the control elevation when he surveyed the lots. He will identify properties that are causing washouts on a map which will be sent to the homeowner with options for correcting the issues. The Board discussed that homeowner actions have caused some erosion issues. The District Manager said downspouts should be connected. The District Manager said Lake 7 was identified as the worst one for erosion. The Board wants to work with residents to correct the issues and offer them time to fix it.. The Attorney agreed that this is the best way to handle it. The Board agreed that the general lake erosion can be repaired afterwards. Once a specific letter is sent, homeowners will have 60 days to run a pipe to a CDD drain box at the elevation identified by the Engineer. The District Manager will develop a letter with a price per location on what it takes to get water from the roof drains out into the lake. The Board will review the letter before it goes out.
A. FY 2021 Budget Adoption Hearing
The Public Hearing was opened at 10:06 a.m. and there were no public comments. The Hearing was closed at 10:07 a.m. The Budget that was tentatively approved at the June meeting which included no increase in assessments was the budget considered. Supervisor Dickey asked that legal services be increased, and the District Manager concurred and said he would reduce the contingency to balance the budget.
i. Resolution 2020-05
This resolution was adopted which adopts the budget.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Vice Chair Bartz, with all in favor, Resolution 2020-05 was adopted by the Board which adopts the budget.
ii. Resolution 2020-06
This resolution was adopted authorizing the levy of special assessments.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Platt, with all in favor, the Board authorized Resolution 2020-06 for the levy of special assessments for operation and debt service.
B. FY 2021 Meeting Schedule: Resolution 2020-07
The Board adopted this resolution regarding the meeting schedule and advertising for the meetings.
On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the Board adopted Resolution 2020-07 as presented to schedule six meetings per year, one every other month.
C. Juniper Communication Efforts
The Field Manager reported that the overall communication with the landscaping company has improved.
D. Complete Drainage System Inspection
i. Inspection Proposals
The Board reviewed two proposals, one from MRI for $6,000 and one from Extreme Divers for $19,200 to inspect the drainage system. If they select MRI, the District Manager said they will take the $6,000 off of the proposal if MRI cleans the pipes after they are inspected. He also said this is the type of inspection that is commonly performed when divers identify how much blockage there is in each pipe and visually inspect from the storm drain in the streets and the overall drainage system. Supervisor Hammer commented that this would be a proactive approach, since this type of inspection has not been done previously.
On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board voted to have MRI inspect the drainage system for blockage for $6,000.
E. Noise Reduction Across Cart Paths
The Field Manager inspected the Triana Terrace area and offered two options for consideration, using fence screen or vegetation to help with privacy and possibly reduce the sound. Supervisor Hammer explained that there was a complaint about the noise in that area. Vice Chair Bartz commented that there are many areas where there is noise, and the Board tabled the issue.
F. Mosquito Fish Stocking Proposal
The Board reviewed a proposal from Lake & Wetland Management to release 38,000 mosquito fish into Lakes 1, 2, 16 and 18 to reduce the breeding of midge flies and mosquitoes in the area. The proposal was approved after discussion.
On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board voted to approve the proposal from Lake & Wetland Management for $2,660 to release 38,000 mosquito fish into Lakes 1, 2, 16 and 18 to mitigate the midge flies and mosquitoes.
G. North Berm Mowing Proposals
Residents outside the community complained that the north berm along Penzance Boulevard needs to be trimmed. The Field Manager provided an estimate of $1,250 to complete the task and Juniper provided an estimate of $1,610. The Board discussed the possibility of having it done one time and then making it part of the regular contract. They approved having the Field Manager do the mowing for $1,250, and asked the District Manager to contact Juniper to get a quote to include it with their regular work. There was a concern by the Board over the bidding process and how to avoid potential conflicts in the future.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dickey, seconded by Chair Gnagey, with all in favor, the Board voted to have the Field Manager mow the north berm one time for $1,250, and to contact Juniper to get a quote for including mowing that area along with their regular work.
A. Financial Statements for May & June 2020
The Board reviewed the Financials for May and June 2020 and accepted them. Vice Chair Bartz asked the District Manager to explain the variance amount of revenue, and he said he would look into it and send an email to the Board with an explanation.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Bartz, seconded by Supervisor Platt, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the financial statements for May and June 2020.
B. FY 2019 Audited Financial Report
The District Manager said it was a good audit, and the Board accepted it and authorized the Chair to sign the Annual Financial Report (AFR).
On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Chair Gnagey, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the FY 2019 Audited Financial Report and authorized the Chair to sign the AFR.
C. Bond Refunding Report
The District Manager explained to the Board that the bonds are not callable until May 2022 and that the refunding will begin at least 90 days in advance to prepare for an early closing in May. He told the Board that he will also look at the option to publicly bid the refunding bonds in addition to a privately placed issue.
D. South Florida Water Management District Preserve Non-Compliance Update
i. Second Notification Letter
The District Manager explained the scope of the non-compliance notice in the hundreds of acres of preserve which is beyond the Renaissance perimeter. He explained that the contractor, Lake & Wetland Management, felt this was outside his original bid and may come back requesting additional funds due to the initial condition of these preserves. The inspection also identified homeowners who encroached into the preserve area that can be fined by the SFWMD for trespassing, according to the Attorney. A letter will be sent to the homeowners regarding this issue and the SFWMD will be copied. The planting of invasive banana trees, for instance, could result in them being removed and the homeowner billed if not removed by the homeowner.
A. Bimonthly Field Report: July 2020
The following items were reviewed with comments or requests:
- Supervisor Hammer mentioned the compressors in the lakes, especially in Lake 7, that do not work properly. The District Manager commented that a work order has been authorized to fix them. The aerators on Lakes 7 and 9 are a priority.
- The Board discussed the rating system they are using with the lakes. The District Manager explained why there is some algae in the lakes and said he will mention it to Lake & Wetland Management.
- The vine growth on the wall will be monitored.
- The Board approved sending a letter to the club regarding any washouts that were identified in the field report be repaired within 90 days from the receipt of the letter.
On MOTION by Supervisor Platt, seconded by Supervisor Hammer, with all in favor, the Board voted to send a letter to the golf course identifying the washouts, what needs to be done to fix them, and require they are fixed within 90 days.
B. Follow-Up Items
i. Lake 10 Replanting
The Field Manager reported that when he inspected the plants that were installed on July 17, he could only locate the pickerelweed and not the canna. Lake & Wetland confirmed that they planted more pickerelweed and arrowheads by mistake, so he ordered additional canna for the lake.
ii. Aerator Repairs
Lake & Wetland is working on the aerators at this time. They reported that the fountain in Lake 16 is operational again.
iii. Pepper Concerns Lake 18
The task has been completed.
iv. Cypress Tree Trimming Lake 9 and 10
The task has been completed.
v. Bahia Grass Planting on Palomino Berm
The task was completed and no new growth was noted. Supervisor Hammer reported that he observed Juniper cutting the grass too low on the berm and that it looks bad. The District Manager will report it to the Field Manager.
vi. Headwall & Catch Basin Cleaning
The task was completed.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
A. South Florida Water Management District Monitoring Report
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
- Supervisor Bartz commented that he might have a candidate for his seat which will be vacant in November since he is not running for reelection. The District Manager commented that the vacancy will be advertised and said they will discuss it at the next meeting.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
There being no further Orders of Business and,
On MOTION by Chair Gnagey, seconded by Supervisor Dickey, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:31 a.m.
Next Meeting: October 12, 2020 at 9 a.m.