Draft Meeting Minutes for April 18, 2022
Renaissance Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, April 18, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the Club at Renaissance on 12801 Renaissance Way in Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Doug Dickey – Vice Chair
Jim Mercer – Assistant Secretary
John Huether – Assistant Secretary
Sam Martin – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager from Premier District Management (PDM)
Tom Hart – Attorney
Mark McCleary – Engineer
Gaby Novak – Project Specialist, PDM
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order, and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. All Board members were present, with Supervisor Huether attending via web conference. Also present were Cal Teague, District Manager, Tom Hart, Attorney, and Gaby Novak, Project Specialist of PDM. Attending via web conference was Mark McCleary, Engineer.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Withdrawal of Jim Bond from Prior Appointment to Seat 3
Jim Bond withdrew his appointment from the Board.
On MOTION by Supervisor Mercer, seconded by Supervisor Martin, with all in favor, the Board accepted the requested removal of Jim Bond’s appointment to the Board.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Filling the Vacancy for Appointment to Seat 3
Linda Stuart had submitted a letter of interest to be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board for the remainder of the term.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Mercer, with all in favor, the Board accepted Linda Stuart’s letter of interest, and agreed to appoint her to Seat 3 on the Board for the remainder of the term.
District Manager Teague administered the oath of office, and Linda Stuart officially became a Supervisor for the Renaissance CDD Board of Supervisors.
Linda Stuart left the meeting at 9:17 a.m. after taking the Oath of Office.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Resolution 2022-02 for Board Reorganization
The Board agreed to the reorganization of the Board.
On MOTION by Supervisor Mercer, seconded by Vice Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board adopted Resolution 2022-02 appointing Doug Dickey as Chair of the Board of Supervisors, Sam Martin as the Vice Chair, with all other officers remaining as Assistant Secretaries.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
Add 10Bi Juniper Price Increase
On MOTION by Supervisor Mercer, seconded by Vice Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.
SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on the Agenda items.
EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes from February 14, 2022
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Martin, with all in favor, Board approved the Draft Meeting Minutes from February 14, 2022.
A. Board Vacancy Discussion
Linda Stuart was appointed to fill the Board vacancy earlier in the meeting.
B. Water Use Permit Concerns and Recharge Wells
Supervisor Mercer and the Golf Club’s representative did not meet, but Supervisor Mercer is still planning to have a meeting. Attorney Hart recommended the creation of an agreement on water usage and rights, and Engineer McCleary will check to see if one can be activated. This will be discussed further at a later meeting.
C. I-75 Perimeter Wall Five Year Repair Plan/Capital Improvement Plan Updates
The 5-year capital plan is still in development, and they are waiting for additional information. Engineer McCleary had stated that the State is planning to widen I-75, and the wall replacement could be in their plans. The Board discussed repairing the wall until there is more information on the State’s plans. The Board agreed to have a structural review of the wall, and Mark will locate engineers to do the review, and get a proposal.
D. Solitude Preserve Maintenance Renewal Agreements
District Manager Teague was looking into reducing the frequency of preserve treatments, and Gonzalo Ayers, the contractor, recommended that the current maintenance frequency in the northern preserve, currently on quarterly scheduled treatments, remain in place for this year.
A. Resolution 2022-03 for Lee County to Run District Elections
The Board agreed to request Lee County to run the District elections.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Mercer, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2022-03 allowing Lee County to run the District elections.
B. Dead Plant Replacement at Palomino Entrance
Juniper Landscaping had provided a proposal to replace 35 hibiscus, 9 ixoras, and 800 square feet of St. Augustine sod at the cost of $2,200. The Board felt that this was an HOA issue, and requested that the bid be sent to them.
i. Juniper Price Increase Due to Rising Fuel, Insurances, Wages, and Irrigation and other Material Costs
The Board agreed to approve the contract, but to get bids from other companies.
On MOTION by Supervisor Martin, seconded by Vice Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved the Juniper Landscaping contract, which can be signed by the Vice Chair.
A. Fiscal Year 2023 Preliminary Draft of Budget
The Draft Budget was presented, and after discussion, the Board agreed to continue the meeting to allow more time to review it. The meeting will be continued on May 9, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
B. Financial Statements for January and February 2022
District Manager Teague reviewed the Financials.
On MOTION by Supervisor Mercer, seconded by Supervisor Martin, with all in favor, the Board accepted the January and February, 2022 Financials for Audit, as presented.
C. Financial 3-Year Review-Bond Financing
District Manager Teague reviewed two proposals that were received with similar financing charges. The Board agreed to work with the current bank in developing options for refunding the current bond.
A. Field Report
District Manager Teague reviewed Field Manager Pepin’s report and there were no comments.
i. Fiscal Year 2022 Project Tracking Report
B. Follow-up Items
i. Lake 7 Erosion Project Updates
Chris had reported that Solitude had returned and regraded the areas of concern along the shoreline where a 4:1 slope had not been attained. New sod was installed, because it had not previously been cut properly. It is now doing very well, except for a spot on the south end of the lake. Solitude also forgot to replace the damaged sod behind 12420 & 12421 Vittoria Way. The Board commented that the sod not properly installed is very unsightly. Gonzalo is aware of this and will return to fix it properly.
ii. 9609/9605 Via Lago Way Shoreline Resod by Golf Course Update
Chris had stated that this will be installed closer to the rainy season.
iii. Cabbage Palm Trimming Update
This project had been completed.
iv. Midge Fly Treatment Update
Chris reported that Gonzalo told him that the midge fly treatment is still being done on Lake 9. He has no date as of yet for the release of mosquito fish.
v. Residents Lake 9 Fountain Installation Update
Chris stated that the boring for the electrical line should be completed in April, and permits for the new electrical meter had been submitted. Once the electrical work is completed, he will inform Solitude that they can install the fountain.
Attorney Hart had nothing to report, because all was on the Agenda.
Engineer McCleary’s comments were all on Agenda items.
FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There were no Supervisor Requests or Comments.
There were no Audience comments.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Martin, with all in favor, at 10:46 a.m., the Meeting was continued to May 9, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
The Continuation Meeting is May 9, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
The Next Regular Meeting is June 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.