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Meeting Minutes for June 6, 2022

Renaissance Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, June 6, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the Club at Renaissance on 12801 Renaissance Way in Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.

Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:

John Huether – Assistant Secretary
Sam Martin – Assistant Secretary
Linda Stuart – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or attending via web conference) were:

Cal Teague – District Manager from Premier District Management (PDM)
Jennifer Miller – Controller, PDM
Tom Hart – Attorney, Knott, Ebelini, Hart
Cynthia Wilhelm – Attorney, Nabors, Giblin, and Nickerson, P.A.
Gaby Novak – Project Specialist, PDM
Russ Stuart – Resident

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order, and Gaby Novak, PDM Project Specialist, called the roll. Three Board members were present, with District Manager Cal Teague attending via web conference. Also present were Tom Hart, Attorney, Russ Stuart, Resident, and Jennifer Miller, Controller, of PDM. Attending via web conference was Cynthia Wilhelm, Attorney.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add 6B Dead Plant Replacement at Palomino Entrance (CDD)
Add 6C Landscape Contractor
Add 7Ai Consideration of Proposal from Valley National Bank
Add 7Aii. Consideration of Engineer’s Report
Add 7Aiii Consideration of Assessment Methodology Report
Add 7Aiv Resolution No. 2022-04 Preliminary Assessment Resolution
Delete 9Biii Midge Fly Treatment Update

On MOTION by Supervisor Martin, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on the Agenda items.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes from April 18, 2022, and Draft Continuation Meeting Minutes from May 9, 2022

On MOTION by Supervisor Martin, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, Board approved the Draft Regular Meeting Minutes from April 18, 2022 and the Draft Continuation Meeting Minutes from May 9, 2022.


A. I-75 Perimeter Wall Structural Review

Engineer McCleary reported that he had found a structural engineer to do an analysis of the wall, and he will work with Field Manager Pepin to complete the analysis. The Board was wondering about the estimated remaining life of the wall, and Mark stated that the analysis will determine this. The findings from the December meeting of the Florida Department of Transportation will also be considered in the analysis. A written report will be sent to the Board.

B. Dead Plant Replacement at Palomino Entrance(CDD)

Project Specialist Novak reported that it had been determined that Palomino Road was the responsibility of the CDD, so, after discussion, the Board decided to accept the proposal from Juniper. If there is no irrigation, it will need to be installed before the project can begin.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martin, seconded by Supervisor Huether, with all in favor, the Board approved the proposal from Juniper to replace dead plants at the Palomino Road entrance.

C. Landscape Contractor

Field Manager Pepin had not found a contractor as of yet.


A. Refunding of Bond

i. Consideration of Proposal from Valley National Bank

District Manager Teague clarified that the proposal is to add 1 million to the bond and extend the loan for additional 4 years. The life of the loan will now be 15 years as oppose to the 11 years. The assessment methodology determined that $1.1 million can be used for construction projects. The $1.1 million includes the reserve fund. In response to Supervisor Martin’s question, Attorney Wilhelm stated that these funds can be used on any project that is included in the Engineer’s report.

On MOTION by Supervisor Huether, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the term sheet from Valley National Bank, and authorized the Chair or Vice Chair to sign the term sheet.

ii. Consideration of Engineer’s Report

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Huether, with all in favor, the Board approved the Engineer’s report, as submitted.

iii. Consideration of Assessment Methodology Report

Attorney Cynthia Wilhelm stated that she had spoken with Russ Weyer, and the methodology is in substantial form, but there might be changes, which can be updated throughout the process. Attorney Wilhelm also stated that the maximum amount of the assessments will not be increasing, and they could possibly decrease. District Manager Teague stated that any decrease could allocate more funds for construction. Attorney Wilhelm stated that the rate for the bond is locked in, but there will be changes to the annual assessment levels.

On MOTION by Supervisor Huether, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the Assessment Methodology Report in substantial form.

iv. Resolution 2022-04 Preliminary Assessment Resolution

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Huether, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2022-04 setting the Public Hearing for July 11, 2022 for adoption of the assessment for the bond extension.

There was discussion about drafting the cover letter for the Notice of Public Hearing, and it was decided that Supervisor Stuart will work with Project Specialist Novak on the letter.

On MOTION by Supervisor Huether, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved the Notice of Public Hearing for adoption of the assessment for the bond extension, with the approval of Supervisor Stuart.

There was discussion on the need for the community to be made aware of projects that the Board expects to undertake in Fiscal Year 2023, which are specified in the Engineer’s report.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martin seconded by Supervisor Huether, with all in favor, the Board approved the inclusion of an information sheet in the Notice of Public Hearing on July 11, 2022, with the approval of Supervisor Stuart.


A. Fiscal Year 2023 Budget

District Manager Teague reviewed the budget that been previously approved.

i. Resolution 2022-05 for Setting Budget Public Hearing

On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Huether, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2022-05, authorizing the tentative Fiscal Year 2023 Budget, with a $450 increase per home, and setting the Public Hearing for August 8, 2022.

ii. Capital Improvements


A. Field Report

The Board requested that Field Manager Pepin investigate the predominance of midge flies in the community.

They were also concerned that the erosion in the golf course area had not been resolved. It was decided that a Supervisor Martin will get input from Chris and then talk to Rodney about completing the project in June.

The Board discussed what the CDD is authorized to do to prevent erosion at the golf course, and it was suggested that they could have rip rap or a geo filter tube installed on the CDD easement. This could be a solution if the golf club is not completing the repairs.

Something else that the Board would like to communicate to the golf club was the clear, documented right of the District to use the water at the golf course to irrigate the community properly, which had previously been presented to the golf club. Engineer McCleary had spoken with Mr. Mercer about using their well.

The Board wondered if the CDD could put their name on the water use permit along with the HOA, so that the homeowners’ rights can be protected. They would like to get a legal opinion on their options. Attorney Hart will get a recommendation for an attorney from Attorney Neal Montgomery, so that the rights of the CDD can be clarified.

B. Follow-up Items

i. Lake 7 Erosion Project Updates

The contractor had informed Chris that the crew had returned and finished replacing the dead sod. Chris will verify that the project is complete on his next site visit.

ii. 9609/9605 Via Lago Way Shoreline Resod by Golf Course Update

Chris reported that the project had not been completed. Because it is now the rainy season, he will ask Nick when they expect to have it finished.

iii. Residents Lake 9 Fountain Installation Update

The electrical meter had been placed too far away from the lake, and it interrupts the view of the lake from the nearby home. Chris informed West Coast Electrical, and they will be moving the meter closer to the lake. Because the meter will be very close to the water, a equipotential grid will need to be installed to meet National Electrical Code. The equipotential grid bonds all metallic parts of the equipment that are near the waterside. This was not part of the original quote, so there will be a small increase in electrical costs. FPL is scheduled to shut down the power on June 24, 2022, and these tasks will be completed shortly thereafter. The fountain will be installed when Supervisor Martin returns to Florida in late July.

The Board requested closer monitoring of an installation of this nature, so this will not happen again.

The Board decided to accept Supervisor Huether’s resignation, effective June 7, 2022, and appoint Russ Stuart to replace him upon the effective date of his resignation.

On MOTION by Supervisor Martin, seconded by Supervisor Linda Stuart, the Board accepted the resignation of Supervisor John Huether, effective June 7, 2022, and appointed Russ Stuart to fill the vacancy, effective June 7, 2022.


There was no report from Attorney Hart.


There was no report from Engineer McCleary.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

There were no Supervisor Requests or Comments.


There were no Audience comments.


On MOTION by Supervisor Huether, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Meeting was adjourned.

A Special Meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for August 8, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair