Draft Meeting Minutes for April 10, 2023
Renaissance Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Renaissance Community Development District was held on Monday, April 10, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at the Club at Renaissance on 12801 Renaissance Way in Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Doug Dickey – Chair
Sam Martin – Vice Chair
Linda Stuart – Assistant Secretary
George Pattee – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager from Premier District Management (PDM)
Tom Hart – Attorney, Knott, Ebelini, Hart
Mark McCleary – Engineer, Community Engineering Services
Chris Pepin – Field Manager, Community Field Services
Jonathan Berquist – Berquist Recovery Consulting
Tim Donnelly – Berquist Recovery Consulting
Nick Seago – Atlantic Coast Precast
Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM
Melissa Gindling – Project Specialist, PDM
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Renaissance Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Renaissance Community Development District meeting was called to order, and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. Four Board members were present, with Vice Chair Martin attending via web conference. Also present was Tom Hart, the Attorney, and Mark McCleary, the Engineer. Chris Pepin, the Field Manager, Jonathan Berquist and Tim Donnelly from Berquist Recovery Consulting, Nick Seago from Atlantic Coast Precast, Christopher Dudak and Melissa Gindling from PDM attended via web conference.
On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved Vice Chair Martin’s attendance via web conference.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
Add 6C Lake 0-1 Shoreline Repair
On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Supervisor Pattee, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on the Agenda items.
A. Items to Be Pulled for Discussion
There were no Items pulled.
B. Motion to Approve Consent Items
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved Consent Items Di, Dii, and Diii, as submitted.
C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion
There were no Items pulled.
D. Consent Items
i. Draft Meeting Minutes from February 21, 2023
ii. Financial Reports for February and March 2023
iii. Fiscal Year 2022 Financial Audit Report
A. I-75 Wall Project
i. Grants Writer Proposal for Wall Replacement and Discussion with Berquist Recovery Consulting
District Manager Teague stated that the contractor previously approved for the project is not available for 6 months, so they decided not to proceed with this company. There was discussion on the best option to use when asking for FEMA reimbursement, repairing the wall or replacing it. A proposal from Berquist Consulting was included in the packet, and Jonathan Berquist and Tim Donnelly were at the meeting via web conference to discuss their proposal with the Board. Mr. Berquist stated that there are a number of options to consider, and he explained different options that FEMA would cover and those that they would not, and he stated that requesting and acquiring FEMA reimbursement is a lengthy process. He stated that FEMA would not provide reimbursement unless an analysis by a structural engineer recommended it. It was also stated that the Board would like the structural analysis completed, so they know if the wall needs repair only or replacement, and they would like to ensure that the wall is up to code. Jonathan stated that the cost estimate for the repair should be 50% higher than the cost for replacement for FEMA to fund a wall replacement. The Board decided to wait to proceed until the structural analysis is complete and their report is submitted. District Manager Teague stated that a continuation meeting is required to authorize the analysis by a structural engineer.
ii. Repair Quotes
District Manager Teague reviewed the two quotes for wall repair that were included in the packet. The first was from Coastal Concrete for $22,900, but they cannot start for several months. The second was from Atlantic Coast Precast for $80,975, who can complete the project within approximately a month. Nick Seago from Atlantic Coast Precast was present via web conference, and, responding to the Board’s question, he stated that they will need to remove some trees but not all. From his inspection he believes that the wall has approximately 10 years of life left. He also stated that the areas they repair will be built up to the current code, which will give the wall the ability to withstand up to 130 mph winds. He recommends that vegetation be installed to prevent erosion where some footers are exposed. He will see that the proposal is revised per the request of Attorney Hart, reflecting what was discussed today. The Board will consider this option at a continuation meeting.
iii. Structural Analysis Proposal
There was discussion on whether the wall had been built up to hurricane standards, and whether it should be repaired or replaced. Jonathan Berquist stated that the cost estimate for repairs should be 50% higher than replacement, and estimates, analysis and bids should be presented to FEMA. The Board decided to wait for the structural analysis report before they decide how to proceed.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved a structural analysis of the I-75 wall, stipulating that the report addresses any codes or standards and the mitigation of any future hurricane damage, not to exceed $10,000, with the understanding that the cost can go above this amount, if determined that it is necessary.
iv. Temporary Sound Barriers Proposal
A possible temporary sound barrier proposal was included in the packet, because both repair and replacement will not be covered by FEMA. There was discussion on installing a chain link fence, shrubbery, or canvas temporarily. The Board decided to delay their decision until the structural analysis is complete, and FEMA has given its approval.
B. O & M Assessment Methodology Including the Golf Course
This is not complete as of yet, and will hopefully be complete before the continuation meeting.
C. Golf Course Easement Request/Water Use Permit
Attorney Hart had met with the golf course attorney and notified them that the CDD is revising the O & M assessment methodology to include the golf course. He also suggested to the attorney that they agree to allow us to proceed with the joint water use permit, and he stated that he had the requested surveys from the golf course. The CDD Board discussed whether there was a need for including the Community Association (RCA) while this is considered. The determination was that the RCA has an existing agreement with the Club for water use and that the CDD will be in a position to assist the RCA if that agreement fails in the future for some reason. District Manager Teague asked if the high cost of using the Lewis, Longman & Walker law firm will be worth the benefit of establishing co-ownership of the water use permit. Attorney Hart pointed out that their expertise is needed, at least on the water use permit, and Vice Chair Martin noted that the annual amount collected from the golf course will be much higher.
Vice Chair martin reviewed what had been discussed at a meeting regarding the benefit of the water use permit to the golf course, easement use, and the golf course’s requirement to pay the O & M.
D. Lake 6 Shoreline Stabilization Update
District Manager Teague stated that the deposit has been paid to Seabreeze, and he also stated that there is a need for an LDO. Engineer McCleary stated that he had submitted one for future plans that is more open-ended, but the County had a lot of questions and concerns, so he requested a meeting with the County. He stated that he will try to get an LDO approved for Lake 6 before the rainy season, and then work on the approval for other lakes.
E. Aeration Upgrade and Power Options Update
Field Manager Pepin stated that some upgrades have been done on some lakes, but it is taking Solitude a long time to complete the upgrades. Part of the delay is in the placement of the electrical panels for powering the new aerators, and he noted that there are 2 options for Lakes 10 and 0-3. The Board requested that the cabinets be placed in the locations farther away from the homes, which is the more expensive option, and the installation of electrical panels was quoted at $10,000.
F. Lake 8 & Lake 10 N Fountain Installations
Chris reported that the boring was completed by the contractor on April 7th, and it will be verified this week. With this completed, West Coast Electrical can complete their project, which they plan to do by April 17th, and FPL can install their new service.
G. GIS Proposal Follow Up
This is tabled until the June meeting when the contractor will be available to attend.
H. Lake 16 Motor Follow Up
Chris had noted that this motor is just outside of warranty, but it has been working recently. This is tabled until a future date.
A. Construction Issues at 9551 Via Lago Way
Engineer McCleary stated that he had surveyed the property and noted that it is outside the LME, so there are not issues with encroachment into the CDD’s easement. They had installed a silt fence, but Field Manager Pepin stated that silt had washed into the lake before the silt fence was installed, and the silt fence had to be replaced more than once. Because of this, there has been erosion, and it needs to be resolved. After discussion, the Board requested Chris to obtain an estimate for lake bank repair, and this need for repair will be communicated to the homeowner.
B. Fence Installation in CDD Easement – 12811 Terabella Way
District Manager Teague stated that there are no issues, and Attorney Hart had prepared an easement use agreement, which will be signed if there is Board approval.
On MOTION by Supervisor Pattee, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved the easement use agreement between the CDD and the homeowner at 12811 Terabella Way, as prepared by Attorney Hart, with Chair Dickey authorized to sign.
C. Lake 0-1 Shoreline Repair
District Manager Teague stated that Chris had obtained a proposal for restoring the shoreline, and Chris wanted to ensure that it is stabilized with fill material and sod, and brought back to its original width.
On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved the proposal from Pristine Lakes to complete the restoration to the Lake 0-1 shoreline, not to exceed $7,000.
A. Field Manager’s Report
Field Manager Pepin reviewed his report and the following items were discussed:
He noted that there are more shoreline weeds, some broken air stations, a rusted electrical panel at a fountain, and he is requesting estimates for issues with other fountains.
Chris noted a washout at 12590 Vittoria Way, and he had sent letters to the homeowner. District Manager Teague will have staff send another letter to them, asking them to fill it in and reset it, and a 30 day deadline was discussed.
Vice Chair Martin asked about the quality of the aerator replacements, and Chris stated that it appeared that Solitude has been installing used or broken equipment, and he had spoken with them. Chris stated that he will be inspecting and spot checking the replaced aerators with Solitude, using photos that they have submitted, to ensure that they use new equipment, and the CDD will not pay Solitude until Chris reports that they have used new equipment.
There was discussion on changing vendors now, and Chris stated that this may involve additional cost. The Board requested that Chris obtain a proposal from another company to see if there would be additional cost. The Board also requested that he obtain a quote from another company to replace Solitude.
B. Project Tracking Log
This was included in the packet, and there were no questions.
C. Follow-Up Items
i. Storm Drain Inspection Update
Sewer Viewer is scheduled to begin the visual inspection at the end of April.
ii. Hurricane Ian Clean-up
Field Manager Pepin stated that the only vegetation task left to finish is the stump removal along the fence lines and the perimeter wall. There is difficulty getting a stump grinder up the hill to grind down the stumps, and Chris stated that he has asked 2 additional companies to evaluate the project, and he asked for estimates if they can complete the task.
iii. Lake Maintenance and Use of Backpack Sprayers
Chris had received two estimates, which were included in the packet. Lake Doctors now charges $3,255 monthly, and they quoted $5,208 to add backpack sprayers. Pristine Lakes quoted $3,000 monthly, and they already have backpack sprayers. The Board decided to terminate the contract with Lake Doctors and hire Pristine Lakes for lake maintenance.
On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Vice Chair Martin, with all in favor, the Board approved terminating the contract with Lake Doctors, and hiring Pristine Lakes for lake maintenance, using backpack sprayers for treatment of weeds.
The Board requested that Chris plant littorals where there are empty spaces.
iv. Perimeter Berm Maintenance Proposal
Community Field Services had provided a proposal with an annual cost of $36,000 for perimeter maintenance and mowing. Juniper currently charges $40,907.52. The Board decided to terminate the contract with Juniper and hire Community Field Services.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Stuart, with all in favor, the Board approved hiring Community Field Services for perimeter maintenance and mowing.
On MOTION by Supervisor Pattee, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved terminating the contract with Juniper for perimeter maintenance and mowing.
v. Preserve Maintenance Proposal from Pristine Lakes
Pristine Lakes quoted $26,000 per year for semi-annual offsite maintenance and $10,800 per year for onsite preserve maintenance, which includes natural areas, with the total cost of $36,800. The current cost for Solitude is $56,100 per year. The Board decided to terminate the contract with Solitude and hire Pristine Lakes.
On MOTION by Supervisor Stuart, seconded by Chair Dickey, with all in favor, the Board approved terminating the contract with Solitude and hiring Pristine Lakes for preserve maintenance.
Attorney Hart had nothing further to report, other than that which had been discussed earlier in the meeting.
Engineer McCleary had nothing further to report, other than that which had been discussed earlier in the meeting.
A. FY 2024 Draft Budget
This was included in the packet, and District Manager Teague stated that there is no need for increasing assessments, and they have $30,000 in interest earnings. He stated that a tentative Budget must be approved by June 15, and he asked for any other goals or objectives from the Board.
B. FEMA Reimbursement Update
The Board decided to place this on the Consent Agenda going forward.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There were no Supervisor requests or comments.
There were no Audience Comments.
On MOTION by Chair Dickey, seconded by Supervisor Pattee, with all in favor, the Board agreed to continue the meeting to May 8, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
The Continuation Meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
The Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.